Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I might explode I'm so happy!

Today is a day of many wonderful things, but I literally predicted they would all happen today. Let me bring you back:
     It's Sunday, April 28, and I am a wreck. I tore muscles in my lower back, and I'm freaking out about having to wait for everything. My boyfriend Jake says to me, "I'm sure everything will happen soon."
    To which I replied, "Well, I know. It's all going to happen on Wednesday, but I just want it to happen now."

SO! Here it is, Wednesday, and I get someone buzzing to come up (which never happens because I don't have a huge social life). It's the delivery guy with all of my internet clothes!!! Christmas, right? I've never ordered clothes from the internet before, and let me tell you, it's amazing. I loved every minute of it.

A couple hours later, while making my Roasted Strawberry and Coconut Torte, I get a text from my boyfriend saying to check my email. NEWS: I'm moving to the UK in under 2 months!!!!! Just on a working holiday visa, but it's going to be amazing!!

In other words, my life is awesome right now. Plus I had this great lunch, AND it's my Vancouver family's Game of Thrones and Excellent Dinner Night.

Behold, lunch!! (Excellent miso gravy)

 Also! A recipe today, that I just made up. :)

Roasted Strawberry and Coconut Torte!

First, cut up some strawbs and roast em.

 Next, mix your shit. Since there isn't any baking powder, you really don't have to worry about mixing dry and wet ingredients separately.

Look at that wonderful coconut milk

Add those berries in there, put the mix in an 8X8" add some coconut, fresh strawberries, and some more honey on top.
Look at that yum! 

2 eggs
1/2 cup coconut milk
1/2 cup GF flour (I used rice flour)
A bunch of strawberries
Honey to taste

So Simple!

Later Days,

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